List of male Jews living in Münden, 1812
No. | Old name | New name (1808) | Date of birth | Occupation | Parents |
1 | Elias Meyer | Meyerstein | 22.12.1766 | Merchant | Meyer Elias from Einbeck and Amalia Hirsch, both deceased |
2 | Lehmann Elias | Meyerstein | 30.8.1793 | Merchant | Son of 1 |
3 | Philipp Elias | Meyerstein | 16.11.1794 | Son of 1 | |
4 | Leyser Elias | Meyerstein | 1.9.1796 | Son of 1 | |
5 | Jacob Elias | Meyerstein | 11.4.1801 | Son of 1 | |
6 | Meyer Elias | Meyerstein | 17.3.1803 | Son of 1 | |
7 | Jeremias Elias | Meyerstein | 23.4.1807 | Son of 1 | |
8 | Ruben Elias | Meyerstein | 19.9.1808 | Son of 1 | |
9 | Benjamin Elias | Meyerstein | 7.2.1812 | Son of 1 | |
10 | Heinemann Salomon | Hahlo | 22.9.1750 | Merchant | Salomon Heinemann and Hanna Joseph Müller, both deceased |
11 | Levi Heinemann | Hahlo | 14.5.1788 | Garde du Corps | Son of 10 |
12 | Herz Heineman | Hahlo | 12.2.1770 | Merchant | Son of 10 |
13 | Samuel Heinemann | Hahlo | 6.9.1791 | Artillerist | Son of 10 |
14 | Joseph Heinemann | Hahlo | 15.6.1776 | Merchant | Son of 10 |
15 | Simon Heinemann | Hahlo | 17.10.1797 | Son of 10 | |
16 | Meyer Simon | Elb | 7.6.1722 | Trader | Simon Abraham and Beiergen Moses, both deceased |
17 | Moses Salomon | Hirschhorn | 17.10.1729 | Without | Salomon from Frankfurt and Rahel Hertz, both deceased |
18 | Feist Moses | Friedheim | 30.1.1772 | Merchant | Son of 17 |
19 | Herz Moses | Madelong | 13.1.1770 | Merchant | Son of 17 |
20 | Salomon Herz | Madelong | 17.10.1800 | Son of 19 | |
21 | Lazarus Herz | Madelong | 22.9.1802 | Son of 19 | |
22 | Ascher Alexander | Aschersberg | 24.3.1771 | Trader | Alexander Ascher from Halberstadt, deceased |
23 | Ephraim Simon | Rosenthal | 15.4.1757 | Teacher | Simon Ephraim and Vogel Seeligmann, both deceased |
24 | Simon Ephraim | Rosenthal | 10.2.1797 | Son of 23 | |
25 | Seligmann Ephraim | Rosenthal | 4.1.1801 | Son of 23 | |
26 | Jacob Isaac | Brandau | 5.10.1756 | Broker | Jacob Philipp Hirsch from Nörden and Brendel Lehmann, both deceased |
27 | Heinemann Jacob | Bergheim | 11.7.1750 | Merchant | Jacob Heinemann and Esther Hirsch Feibel, both deceased |
28 | Hirsch Heinemann | Bergheim | 13.5.1784 | Merchant | Son of 27 |
29 | Joseph Levi | Löwenthal | 19.9.1751 | Broker | Jacob Levi and Maria Koppel, both deceased |
30 | Jacob Joseph | Löwenthal | 19.11.1788 | Surgeon | Son of 29 |
31 | Carl Joseph | Löwenthal | 12.4.1790 | Sergeant | Son of 29 |
32 | Michael Joseph | Löwenthal | 6.11.1791 | Clock smith | Son of 29 |
33 | Leyser Joseph | Löwenthal | 20.8.1793 | Soldier | Son of 29 |
34 | Moses Joseph | Löwenthal | 12.1.1795 | Son of 29 | |
35 | Veit Joseph | Löwenthal | 18.9.1797 | Son of 29 | |
36 | Meyer Joseph | Löwenthal | 10.3.1802 | Son of 29 | |
37 | Gottlieb Joseph | Löwenthal | 13.5.1805 | Son of 29 | |
38 | Simon Salomon | Wertheim | 17.5.1759 | Merchant | Salomon Heinemann from Buxweiler (Elsass) and Rosa Simon Jsaac, both deceased |
39 | Heinemann Simon | Wertheim | 14.2.1798 | Son of 38 | |
40 | Hirsch Simon | Wertheim | 16.9.1800 | Son of 38 | |
41 | Lazarus Jacob | Reiss | 3.4.1804 | Jacob Lazarus Reiss from Wölmershausen (deceased) and Lea Lehmann | |
42 | Juda Levi | Löwenthal | 12.1.1756 | Trader | Brother of 29 |
43 | Samuel Salomon | Ellon | 14.10.1757 | Merchant | Salomon Heinemann and Elle Simon Isaac, both deceased |
44 | Heinemann Samuel | Ellon | 26.6.1792 | Merchant | Son of 43 |
45 | Hirsch Samuel | Ellon | 21.5.1794 | Merchant | Son of 43 |
46 | Levi Samuel | Ellon | 23.5.1804 | Son of 43 | |
47 | Jacob Samuel | Ellon | 17.2.1810 | Son of 43 | |
48 | David Ascher | Maricus | 1.11.1765 | Trader | Ascher Maricus from near to Würzburg and Reichel Samuel, both deceased |
49 | Goetz Ascher | Maricus | 12.10.1771 | Trader | Brother of 48 |
50 | Feist Israel | Sternheim | 6.1.1757 | Without | Israel Salomon, deceased |
51 | Levi Israel | Zacharias | 26.10.1778 | Hometutor | Israel Zacharias from Halberstedt, deceased |